Pine Word Works

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It’s new. This is the first in a series of (possibly frequent) blog postings I am calling: “A Woman’s Briefs.” Snug thoughts frequently changed; brief and fitting observations caused by something seen, overheard, read, experienced, resisted, observed, or in some way seemingly worthy of attention.

 Who knows how often these will appear, but here’s the first:


            This—from a paper bag holding bread flour.         

   “Cook Before Sneaking A Taste”? 

                                                           Must I?


                                                           Really? Wow. 

Good that I read this note before swallowing a sneaked spoonful of bread-flour meant to make my medicine go down. But, since the label says “Please,” well then. I’ll spit it out and cook it. Do I boil, braise, bake, fry, simmer, or sauté flour?  


Oh! How about this Note of Care from a bag of popcorn kernels catching my attention in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS: “Warning: Do not eat unpopped kernels. In addition, popcorn is not recommended for infants . . .”


We have a nearly 10-month old who loves popcorn. Granted, he’s a four-legged member of the family who has walked nearly since birth and like many advanced species, has all his permanent teeth, and can jump higher than he is tall. We don’t offer him kernels but he loves popcorn; or, at least the butter on it.


I’m guessing that such labels have much more to do with litigation than with concern for customers but I’m only guessing,


I’m left with a question: Is “unpopped” a word?


[Comments or Suggestions for “Briefs” can be sent to or left in the Comment box below]