Pine Word Works

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We pushed chairs back from a round lunch table, picked up the bags of bread and goodies we purchased from Calico Cupboard (Bakery/Cafe where servers wear tee-shirts boasting, “The Best Buns in Town—Naturally”).

It is tempting to run on about the run in the rain we all made to reach the boat after lunch. The forecasted thunderstorm reached us—strong wind and drenching rain. We loved it!  But that’s not what I want for the record. I want to record a conversation I had in the galley with David. 


”Look,” said Dave, opening the plastic bag containing a batch of blackberries. They were beautiful. ”Cobbler?” He asked. “Enough for some to be left over for cereal in the morning?”

”Probably,” said I, evaluating Dave’s haul. He moved on to our stateroom to shed sopping wet clothes. I found the recipe for a simple Oat-crust cobbler. I dug flour and brown sugar out of the galley floor hatch, retrieved butter from the refrigerator, and started measuring out the required four cups of berries when dry Dave appeared. 

“Oh,” said he, seeing my assembled ingredients. “Think you could make that without sugar?” 

That’s what I want to record. Only David would suggest that a cobbler might be made without sugar. 

Really, David? I thought. Really? You want dessert without sugar? You really want Cobbler only to be healthy? That was what I was thinking.

”No,” is what I said. There are limits to my keeping all things good for us. Some things must simply be good — as the slightly sweet cobbler has proven to be. What could be better than oats, sugar, butter and berries eaten warm on a chilly night?