Pine Word Works holds essays, poetry, thoughts, and published work of author and speaker Barbara Roberts Pine.



(  Photo, courtesy of Michael Curtis, Edmonds, who “borrowed our boat” for some beautiful photos of a model and as a thank you, took a shot of the Pines)

Tuesday, August 15, ‘18. 

Yesterday, in a few of the early afternoon hours, it went something like this: “It’s a minus tide, it’s hotter than heck, Canada’s smoke is stifling, the BYC ramp is going to be hellish, the car is going to be unbearably hot . . .and the sun, ugh, lugging all this stuff to the car?” 

Between the Turners and Pines laundry bags, shoe bags, clothes bags, sundries from forward and rear heads, one pillow from home, books and magazines, dog items, and dog, and iPads and computers and phones, and galley shelves and drawers, and extra store of chips and dry snacks in boxes on the top bunk, and refrigerator and freezer and ice chest and little Igloo down in the engine hold, and what about that open bottle of wine, and, oh!, my houseplants . . .

Between the Turners and Pines, decisions about how best to relieve PineAweigh of our presence got tossed like Gatorade on a coach—lots of flinching and hopping about from one good idea to another. It was toooo hot a day. The all-afternoon-tide was toooo low to invite shoving dock carts up a steep ramp. But, who wants to wait and carry all this stuff from car to apartment long after the waxing moon leaves the sky and our aging bodies ache for sleep? And what about dinner? At this point, I ate a Snicker.

I once wrote a chapter in a book about Leaving: situations, things, places, people. Yesterday’s experience of four people with strong opinions and courteous natures and inclinations to defer did it fairly well. Waaay too much stuff, a waaay too steep ramp, a hot car, house plants tucked between passengers feet and the open bottle of wine left on PineAweigh—PineAweigh, securely tucked into her familiar #214 slip, cool under cover and accompanied by the resident Cormorant couple.

Dave will return to the boat today to retrieve all the forgotten items. 

.   .   .

Thanks to you who have joined us on this adventure. Before too many weeks I will begin the blog: “Thoughts Along the Way to Dying” You are welcome to join me there.

SURPISE #12 - Saturday, August 25, 2018

SURPISE #12 - Saturday, August 25, 2018

PINEAWEIGH - DAY TWENTY-ONE, Leaving Bainbridge Island

PINEAWEIGH - DAY TWENTY-ONE, Leaving Bainbridge Island