Pine Word Works

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There are those times when a person of strong character (say a boater whose “leg” it is, leaving Fisherman’s Bay), can own up to blowing it, navigationally speaking. This is one of those times.

I could. I won’t. 

How fortunate we are that last night’s high winds and today’s heavy morning fog slacked and scattered so that by the time our fevered passport hunt concluded (Thank goodness for Enhanced Driver’s Licenses), and we pushed toward Speiden Channel and into Haro Strait, in every respect the water and visibility turned hugely hospitable. Turn off radar. In two hours plus a few minutes, and one simple diversion around a massive ship, we pulled onto Port Sidney Customs dock and from there to slip G-05. Lulled, we Pines were. Hence, the note left on the transom steps by Dave for Turners, who had walked to town for ice cream.