Pine Word Works holds essays, poetry, thoughts, and published work of author and speaker Barbara Roberts Pine.



Dear Scooter Friends,

Whew . . . he is fine, post-op.

That statement is freighted with a few nuances, of course. He might think his Vet right when in her call to our home yesterday afternoon she raved about his behavior once in their care: “He was wonderful!” “He cuddled with Kim” “He cooperated beautifully!” “Not your typical teenager!” “Just excellent!” “Excellent cooperation.”

However, fine though he is/was, drug-drunk though he was when we picked him up, he may not consider cooperation resulting in missing two mounds of masculinity, a bit of pain between hind legs, and “what’s with this?” an inflated inner-tube around his neck, a fair deal.

And, wait — no stairs, no romping, jumping, running, playing with friends, Tucker or Toby, no bath or long walks, no chasing the ball in the carpeted corridor, no treats in return for tricks from the front desk — none of this for the next two weeks? Keep Scooter’s body quiet?

Scooter paid his part of the purchase. We, his humans now face ours. Everyone who knows Scooter Sublime knows it will require yet undiscovered resources to “Keep this boy quiet,”

Short story as of Post Op, Day One: Scooter is fine.

#22 PUPPY - Independence Day

#22 PUPPY - Independence Day