Hold on. This blog post promises not to be easy reading. Simple, perhaps, the way navigating a maze is simple – one foot in front of the other.
Hold on. This blog post promises not to be easy reading. Simple, perhaps, the way navigating a maze is simple – one foot in front of the other.
A lie. I created one recently. A major misrepresentation of truth. But, you know, a good one.
I chose earrings this morning that I haven’t had in my ears in years. I bought them, along with the festive necklace they match, in a Philadelphia department store.
It’s a weighty thing, this season of celebration, but it’s a Jewish thing, really . . .
They delivered a dehydrator that cycles sound similar to a tugboat running through sea swells. It’s comforting, that sound
Lickety-Split! Scurry-Hurry!
Shepherds ran into each other Stepped on other’s toes and tripped over sheep as they rushed to the village seeking a stable with a lantern still lit . , .
Wait! I have family, friends, and acquaintances expert enough in fields of politics, theology, ethics, finance, science, and social do’s & don’ts to turn statements of “seems to me” to “no question about it.”
A ROLODEX rests on a cupboard shelf in my writing room, a slender, tangible thing holding intangibles . . .
This is the fIfth in a series of blog postings I call: “A Woman’s Briefs.” Snug, elastic thoughts frequently changed; fitting observations caused by something seen, overheard, read, experienced, resisted, observed, or in some way, seemingly worthy of attention. Today, it’s a slave ship.
The problem was that the speaker spoke on—and on—and on, and soon the cycle of day was drawing the sun behind peaks, and the people were hungry, and there were no cafes or bodegas around, and there was a long walk back to town, and even the speaker’s sidekicks were a little ticked. They admitted to thinking a mistake had been made by holding such an assortment of people together for so long a time . . .
What I knew was this – out of the billions of people who have peopled this place, out of the thousands of years or hundreds of thousands of years that our wet planet has been spinning in space, many things and people have been stopping in for a brief stay and I’ve gotten to be one of them. Nice.
Someone asked, “Why were you a beneficiary?” and I have to say, “Who cares about why things happen when it benefits Me!” I’m so pleased to share the following with you.
I’m guessing that such labels have much more to do with litigation than with concern for customers, but I’m only guessing,