Pine Word Works holds essays, poetry, thoughts, and published work of author and speaker Barbara Roberts Pine.

PINEAWEIGH - DAY ELEVEN begins (my way)

PINEAWEIGH - DAY ELEVEN begins (my way)

Everyone else sleeps, even Skoshi, here beside me while my day begins perfectly: books, paper, pencils & pens & markers, coffee by butane burner because here in paradise we have no power and data won’t cook coffee. Anyone recognize the mug?

Morning books? “INSPIRATION AND INCARNATION, Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament” by Peter Enns, and the fabulous-but-I-don’t-really-get-the-science-part, BLACK HOLE BLUES and OtherSongs from Outer Space,” Janna Levin.

In the afternoon i will immerse myself in Diane’s “People” magazines. (This would be my fun friend, “Diane,” from “Life with a Capital ‘L’” Windsock story fame.)

PINEAWEIGH-DAY ELEVEN: What We Love About James Island

PINEAWEIGH-DAY ELEVEN: What We Love About James Island

PINEAWEIGH-DAY 10 These Showers were not from heaven

PINEAWEIGH-DAY 10 These Showers were not from heaven