BOONDOGGLE, part 2 [see #34 A Woman’s Briefs, December 31, ‘22]
I’ll keep it brief, but it just seems fair that you come along with me in my attempt to return the engagement ring (ring, ring, ring . . . no answer) to the MVNO company it’s best I not make my partner.
By now it is likely that you know that an MVNO is a “Reseller for wireless communications services.” Reliable. Less expensive than any MNO.
Having, spent weeks disengaging, and twice now over several days having not received the “Return Shipping Label” promised “within 24 hours,” I called my trusty Visa card company.
Dec. 31, ‘22
Instantly, a rep’s name.
Instantly, a ticket number for identifying the call.
The payment for the iPhone I so far am unable to return to sender will go into dispute. “The dispute department works quickly.”
My hope is that this may result in my getting a “Return Shipping Label” so I can send the brand-new-never-used iPhone14 back to the MVNO whose software controls it.
But hey, how about one more try?
January 1, 2023: I went to the MVNO website. I clicked “Chat with an Expert.”
Instantly! A chat with Princess D. (the spelling is theirs)
Princess D. 11:01 AM
Thank you so much for providing your order number Barbara.
Barbara Pine 11:01 AM
We simply need to return this phone we will not be using.
Princess D. 11.99 AM
Let me go ahead and check it for vou.
Princess D. 11:10 AM
I already send the return label through email. lust to set an expectation vou will receive the email within this dav.
Barbara Pine 11:11 AM
why would an email take a day? We have been told this twice, before my chatting with you.
Princess D. 11:19 AM
You can check the return label to email address you provided. If you can't see it on the primary section you can try to check it on the spam messages.
Princess D. 11:24 AM
I quess were all set now . . .
It didn’t happen. That is, for the third time the “Don’t Worry, Barbara, the “lust to set an expectation vou will receive the email within this dav” didn’t happen.
I’m way past worry. I don’t even court concern. I’ll refresh my neglected sourdough starter today, watch some of the Rose Bowl parade and then the game. My city is not being bombed. I have heat and running water and friends and food, good books, and a funny dog and yesterday the Seahawks won their game. Truth be told? This little MVNO exercise has become quite a comfortable challenge.
I’ll keep you posted.
Only the Santas are gone today