
I can think hard about how to train puppy Goldendoodle; I can’t believe hard. 

“I believe the pup is getting better about not jumping up on people,” I may say.

“Think about it,” my husband responds.


I saw darling dog stretched out on the carpet, chewing. Chewing what? I wondered. Not his green ball, no. it wasn’t his stuffed Lamb, hedgehog, or teddy-bear; not his “safe, unflavored teething ring,” not the blue Kong tire, or the yellow monkey’s knot rope toy. What was it?

#30 TATWTD Happy Birthday, Me

Ah! I open my computer and in the upper right-hand corner (ding!) comes the announcement: Today is Barb Pine’s Birthday. And so it is. I woke (4:48am) with that thought and here was my second (as I climbed over the bed’s end-board so as not to wake the now twelve week old puppy, Scooter, whose sleeping crate is situated on the floor next to my side of the bed and who would love to wake and keep me in playful company in this early hour. But, no. I have morning thoughts I wish to record in my mostly neglected 2019 journal, and so to coffee and computer I quietly, ungracefully, adjourn.